The Best Brussel Sprouts

The best brussel sprout side dish
The best brussel sprout side dish

Over the holidays, The Food Network was airing all the Jamie Oliver holiday specials. He is a big favourite in our family — with a simplistic style, he always takes delicious ingredients and makes straight forward, easily accessible, plain ol’ good food.

In one of his specials he made an incredible sautéed brussel sprout side dish. I make brussel sprouts weekly, usually roasted, so I was eager to try a new variation. The difference is in the prep work — and boy does it make a difference. Oh, and he added bacon. So here is my Jamie Oliver inspired perfect brussel sprouts side dish:

Serving size: 2-3


12-15 good sized brussel sprouts (more if they’re tiny)
3/4 cup of your favourite cured meat, diced
1 Tbsp butter
Salt and pepper


Rinse your brussel sprouts. Then slice the ends off and peel away the outer layer of leaves. Discard the leaves and cut the sprout in half and set aside. Continue until all the sprouts have been halved.

Halved and shredded brussels.
Halved and shredded brussels.

Then, one by one, place each half on its inside and finely chop until you have thin strings of brussel sprout. Place in a bowl and set aside.

Preheat a pan on med-high heat. My brussel sprouts usually accompany a pork tenderloin so I like to use the same pan I roasted the loin in while it’s resting. Once the pan is hot, throw in your diced cured meat. Once the bacon/chorizo/salami/sausage begins to brown and the fat renders a bit, throw in the shredded brussel sprouts. Add your butter and stir until the brussel sprouts are coated and browned.

Brussel, bacon, and butter.
Brussel, bacon, and butter.

Remove from the heat and your ready to serve along side your preferred meat of choice! See The Perfect Pork Tenderloin.


8 responses to “The Best Brussel Sprouts”

  1. […] the grain and you will see a beautiful tenderloin with the perfect rose centre and juices flowing. Accompany with the best brussel sprouts and you have an easy one pan meal for any […]

  2. Aldea Avatar

    Mmm! The prepared brussel sprouts look much more complex than the ingredients indicate. They look fantastic.

    1. Shannon Avatar

      Thanks, Aldy! It’s such an easy way to spruce up your typical roasted sprouts. And the flavour difference is INCREDIBLE.

  3. Susannah Avatar

    Your sprouts look so so good.

    1. shannon Avatar

      Thanks, Susannah! This recipe really was pretty much stolen from Jamie Oliver’s holiday special.

  4. Reba Avatar

    I’m totally going to make this!!! Thanks for the recipe!

  5. […] Bois has written about everything from Brussels sprouts to pork tenderloin and she makes a mean shepherd’s pie using Guinness […]

  6. 台灣大樂透 Avatar

    Marvelous website, thanks a lot !!

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